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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type ...

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type ...

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type ...

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type ...

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realize those reminescent

many thing lost in my past few years. things i would really love to do as my daily life. reading magazine. oh gosh, cant say for how long its been since i left that one. 
watching movies or dvds. 
singing out loud.
making video with my baby.
creating fancy stuff.
designing-picture all crazy thoughts in my head.
speaking oh idea where all those story has gone to? - feels like there's a giantic hole in my brain.empty.dont know what to say.restrained.

i lost my confidence, my bravery, the comfort zone, and at the end, i forgot how to enjoy this life.

kayanya gw ga begini amat deh dulu.gara2 apa yah.haaaa...
ada yang hilang selama ini.
perasaan kepengen gila-gilaan.ngelepasin smua yg gw rasain.
skrg apa2 takut salah.malu.ah..pokonya rebek bgt!!
sumpah.skrg gw pelupaaa harus konsentrasi bgt sama suatu hal.

wanna get back mine!!!!

tapi dibalik kehilangan itu smua, gw mendapatkan sesuatu. gw dapet kasih sayang dan perhatian lebih dari orang2 dskeliling gw.even dari tukang kerupuk sekalipun, asisten rumah tangganya tetangga. of course family are the love core.

...agak ga nyambung sama tulisan di awalnya....

...cuma ini kaya sisi kontras aja gitu, dibalik hitam selalu ada putih.ketika gelap datang kelak akan ada terang...

so amaze by their, surprisingly, it comes from the unexpected people.

orang-orang yang ga deket sama gw, mungkin juga kadang gw lupa sama mereka.
gw sadar kok, gw bukan tipikal orang yang peduliii bgt sm orang, yang terus-terusan bersikap baik dan manis.apalagi kalo isi kepala udah acak-acakan.

ini tukang kerupuk, asisten rumah tangganya tetangga, ex guru ngaji gw yang udah lamaa bgt ga ketemu, temennya si ibu (yang gw kenal ajah ngga), nyokapnya temen, sampe kenalan ibu-ibu di omprengan...
secara kan baru abis resign nih.baru juga seminggu,,masih nungguin panggilan-pangilan interview berikutnya.
gw seneng aja, byk yg kasi gw dukungan, buat kerjaan, walaupun ga seberapa, kerjaannya apa juga ga jelas. tapi mereka itu loh.yang sempet2nya memberi gw harapan.

the uncountable salary, a sincere love, 

yang ga gw dapetin ketika gw kerja.dapet gaji.bisa beli ina inu.
waktu penuh dikantor.

Alhamdulillah ajah ya...

-there's always positive side in every single mess u made..only need to find it-

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